Fred Moten and Wu Tsang
Gravitational Feel

Fred Moten and Wu Tsang, ‘Gravitational Feel’, sculpture and performance, presented as part of If I Can’t Dance’s Finale for Edition VI – Event and Duration (2015–2016), Splendor, Amsterdam. Photo: Florian Braakman.
Saturday 26 November – 27 November 2016
‘Gravitational Feel’ at If I Can’t Dance
Saturday 26 November / 10.30am / 4pm / 11pm / Sunday 27 November / 10.30am / 12noon / 4pm / Part of Edition VI – Event and Duration Finale / If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution, Amsterdam / presented at Splendor, Amsterdam
Gravitational Feel is a sculpture-performance by Fred Moten and Wu Tsang, who together cohabit the roles of poet and performance artist. The work continues their collaboration on the poetics of intimacy and is a research-experiment into how to sense entanglement. Using fabric and sound they produce a series of “chance events”, as an experiment in blurring, the social and physical significance of touch and voice, as well as questions of space and time in matter. Presented at Splendor, a former bathhouse converted to a music venue by a collective of fifty musicians, Moten and Tsang was presented in the space at punctuated moments, bringing together audience and improvisational action.
The installation was on display and accessible to audiences for free between performances on Saturday 26 November from 12pm–4pm, and on Sunday 27 November from 1pm–4pm. Gravitational Feel was presented as part of If I Can’t Dance’s Finale for Edition VI – Event and Duration (2015–2016).